Birch Aquarium at Scripps

UC San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography coastal campus, 2300 Expedition Way, La Jolla, CA 92037. Hours: Daily 9-5, closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Day, and New Year's Day. Admission $30 and under. Free parking.

Seaways at the Visual Arts Gallery @ SME

Structural and Materials Engineering Building ground floor, UC San Diego main campus, 3291 Voigt Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093. Hours: W-F 12-5. Free admission. Pay to park in Gilman or Hopkins structure or take Blue Line Trolley to Main Campus Station.

Three Lives at Gallery QI

Qualcomm Institute Gallery at UC San Diego, Atkinson Hall ground floor, 3195 Voigt Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093. Hours: 12-5 M-F. Free admission. Pay to park in Gilman or Hopkins structure or take Blue Line Trolley to Main Campus Station

Three Lives at The Gallery and Sound and Shadows at the Nest, Geisel Library

Geisel Library, ground floor, UC San Diego main campus, corner of Hopkins Drive and Voigt Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093.

Free admission. Pay to park in Gilman or Hopkins structure or take Blue Line Trolley to Main Campus Station.

Mural Canoes at UC Kendall-Frost Marsh Reserve

2055 Pacific Beach Dr, San Diego, CA 92109, corner Crown Pt. Dr. Works on view through fence during daylight hours daily. Free. Street parking. Blue Line Trolley to Balboa Station, transfer to MTS bus 8 (direction Old Town), exit Grand & Olney.

Weshow at Kosay Kumeyaay Market

2720 Calhoun Street, San Diego, Old Town San Diego State Historic Park. Hours: 12-5 Fri, Sat, Sun. Admission free. Free parking in lot next to Cosmopolitan Hotel on Juan Street or walk from Old Town trolley station.